2.25 Norman Brick (Cored & Solid)
Home / Face Brick / Sizes
H.C. Muddox offers a wide range of face brick options from modular to jumbo sizes in vibrant colors, shapes and textures. Buildings constructed with our face brick offer superior performance in energy efficiency, maintenance and moisture resistance. H.C. Muddox Brick meets or exceeds ASTM C 216.
Technical Reference:
Specification for Face Brick >
Specifications for Residential Brick >
Environmental Product Declaration >
Design & Installation (WSCPA):
Brick Veneer on Steel Studs A Proven System >
Design Guide for Anchored Brick Veneer Over Steel Studs >
Fire Endurance Rating of Clay Brick Masonry >
LEED Documents:
BIA Brick – Green Building Design and Sustainability >Face Brick Inspiration

Color: Railroad Blend Tumbled

Color: Folsom Gold

Color: Old Town Red & Mountain Rose